Query to get price list details in Oracle EBS

Query to get price list details in Oracle EBS
oracle ebs price list tables
Oracle apps price list query
oracle apps price list tables

SELECT qpa.product_attr_value inventory_item_id,
       spl.list_header_id     price_list_id,
       qplt.name              price_list_name,
       spll.start_date_active start_date_active,
       spll.end_date_active   end_date_active,
       spll.last_update_date  last_update_date,
       spll.operand           list_price
  FROM qp_list_lines         spll,
       qp_pricing_attributes qpa,
       qp_list_headers_b     spl,
       qp_list_headers_tl    qplt,
       mtl_system_items_b    msi
 WHERE     spll.list_header_id = spl.list_header_id
       AND spl.list_header_id = qplt.list_header_id
       AND spll.list_line_id = qpa.list_line_id
       AND msi.inventory_item_id = TO_CHAR (qpa.product_attr_value)
       AND qplt.language = USERENV ('lang')
       AND qplt.name = :P_price_list_name
       AND msi.segment1 = :p_item
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