Query to find all APIs of Oracle Apps modules

Query to find all APIs of Oracle Apps modules
Query to list all APIs in Oracle EBS
List of all Oracle apps APIs
Syntax of Oracle EBS APIs
oracle ebs api list
oracle ebs inventory api

         SUBSTR (a.NAME, 1, 30),
         SUBSTR (a.TYPE, 1, 20),
         SUBSTR (u.status, 1, 10) Stat,
         SUBSTR (text, 1, 80)   Description
    FROM dba_source a, dba_objects u
   WHERE     u.object_name = a.name
         AND a.text LIKE '%Header%'
         AND a.TYPE = u.object_type
         AND a.name LIKE 'AR_%API%'               -- Check for AR Related APIs
ORDER BY a.owner, a.name;
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