Accounting entries not transferred to the General Ledger

Accounting entries not transferred to the General Ledger
SLA entries not transferred to GL
Query to get subledger entries that are not transferred to General Ledger
Oracle apps XLA entries that are not transferred to GL
Oracle EBS R12 accounting entries not transferred to the general ledger
oracle r12 transfer journal entries to gl
accounting entries not transferred to the general ledger
how are subledger applications transferred into the ledger

Below query gives the SLA entries that are not transferred to General Ledger. This query gives data from all modules. You can hardcode specific application id to check only particular application. This query can be executed before closing GL period to check if any entry is pending to be transferred to GL. If it gives any output, you can run “Transfer Journal Entries to GL” concurrent program to transfer the pending entries to GL. Prerequisite for the below query is that the create accounting should have been performed.

---SLA entries not transferred to GL

SELECT h.ledger_id,
  FROM apps.xla_ae_lines l, apps.xla_ae_headers h
 WHERE     l.application_id = h.application_id
       AND l.ae_header_id = h.ae_header_id
       -- AND h.application_id = 222 <hardcode application id if required>
       -- AND h.ledger_id = '1234'
       AND l.gl_sl_link_id IS NOT NULL
       --AND h.gl_transfer_status_code = 'S'
       AND h.accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
       AND h.accounting_date BETWEEN TO_DATE ('01-MAY-2022', 'DD-MON-YYYY')
                                 AND TO_DATE ('31-MAY-2022', 'DD-MON-YYYY')
              (SELECT 1
                 FROM apps.gl_import_references ir, apps.gl_je_headers gh
                WHERE     ir.gl_sl_link_id = l.gl_sl_link_id
                      AND ir.gl_sl_link_table = l.gl_sl_link_table
                      AND ir.je_header_id = gh.je_header_id
                      AND ir.je_batch_id = gh.je_batch_id
                      AND gh.ledger_id = h.ledger_id);
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