Query to find Form Personalization
Oracle apps ebs form personalization details
SELECT DISTINCT ffv.form_name, user_form_name, fcr.function_name, fff.user_function_name, fcr.description per_description, trigger_event, trigger_object, condition, enabled, (SELECT user_name FROM fnd_user fu WHERE fu.user_id = fcr.created_by) created_by, DECODE (fcr.rule_type, 'F', 'Form', 'A', 'Function') personalize_rule_level, DECODE (fcs.level_id, 10, 'Industry', 20, 'Site', 30, 'Responsibility', 40, 'User') context_level, DECODE (fcs.level_id, 10, '', 20, '', 30, frt.responsibility_name, 40, fu.user_name) context_level_value FROM fnd_form_custom_rules fcr, fnd_form_custom_scopes fcs, fnd_form_functions_vl fff, fnd_responsibility_tl frt, fnd_user fu, fnd_form_vl ffv WHERE fcs.rule_id = fcr.ID AND fcr.function_name = fff.function_name AND fcs.level_value = frt.responsibility_id(+) AND fcs.level_value = fu.user_id(+) AND ffv.form_name = fcr.form_name ORDER BY form_nameRelated posts:
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